
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kampong Cham Community Pictures

Assalamu’alaikum waramatullahi wa barakatuh!
Brothers and Sisters, may I present to you a collection of pictures we’ve obtained from halfway across the world! Kampong Cham is a Cham communty based in Cambodia, with the majority of the folk representing Islam as the main religion. This is a wondrous thing; as most of Cambodia is based of the religion of Buddhism!
In our collection you’ll find a multitude of scenarios; from the beautiful Masjid being built to our brothers and sisters lounging about their lives. Of note you’ll find Ustaz Abdulgany making contact with the Cham Bani – a group of our Muslim brothers who practice Islam much differently than normally accepted in the world. This is a noble cause and I ask that Allah swt bless us all in our effort to help our brothers find the best of guidance of Allah swt.
Please let us know if there is anything you would like to add or if you have any suggestions or comments. We will be happy to hear anything you have to say, inshaAllah. Enjoy!


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